Penile Injections for Growth: A Comprehensive Information


Sometimes referred to as a “penis enlargement injection,” using an injectable to encourage growth during PE is a practice that is often thought to be widely unknown. In actuality, a great number of men have utilized and continue to utilize injections to increase their penis. We hope to provide a user-friendly means of sharing what is known about this practice as well as the substance behind it. As with all topics covered here at PEGym, the overall goal is to provide a safe, effective method of increasing the size of the penis for those men who are interested in doing so. We are very aware that injecting one’s penis can be potentially dangerous and have serious consequences if done incorrectly. Thus, information about how to safely practice penile injections is presented with a ‘safety-first’ approach. Notifications about potentially hazardous chemicals and which chemicals are proven the safest are also provided. Though it is not necessarily likely, men who do decide to engage in penile injecting after reading from PEGym should understand the subject thoroughly and then seek the help of a doctor should any problems arise.

Overview of PRP Penile Injections

The PRP penile treatment typically includes three simple steps. Firstly, the physician draws your blood and then places the sample in a centrifuge, which then separates the plasma from the red and white blood cells. The plasma, rich in growth factors, is then activated by using a special process so that the stem cell growth factors are released.

Because PRP is derived from your own blood, there is no risk of rejection, allergy, or other similar concerns. However, some men may experience slight tenderness at the treatment site for a few days. This therapy is suitable for many men who are of good overall health and would like to enhance their sexual experience.

The PRP penis enlargement procedure works in a number of ways. Firstly, the significant growth factors found in blood platelets can help to improve the health of tissue and functioning cells. Secondly, the PRP injections help increase blood flow within the penis, which subsequently can help improve sexual performance. Furthermore, new nerve endings can be developed, improving a man’s pleasure from sexual stimulation.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a revolutionary non-surgical male enhancement treatment that utilizes your own blood to rejuvenate the penis and enhance its sensation, a procedure known as the P-Shot. The treatment is renowned for its ability to deliver impressive results without the risks and downtime associated with surgical operations.

Benefits of Penile Injections

First things first: the benefits and the drawbacks of penile injections. The main benefits include increased sensations while making love to or being made love to by one’s partner. There are no pumps, no bands, and no clamps – none of these associations come into play. Additionally, the additional mass fosters the sensation of intimacy the giver has. It is not for nothing then that the treatment is also described as simply ‘the treatment for that youthful feel’. However, penile injections that increase penis size are expensive. They cost between $10,000 and $15,000 and may not be covered by insurance. Also, within a year of the injection, the add-ons would have begun the process of getting absorbed by the body. The diminution in size should be quite expected. Why the absorption process starts is because of one of the types of fillers—the biola. The body ultimately aims to get rid of the excess leading to the decreased effect. Most men then return for an additional injection.

While the size of the penis varies from person to person, most people desire a larger one; hence the measures people take to increase its size—ranging from pills to surgical solutions. It is believed that penile injections that increase its girth and length offer the fastest and most permanent way of enhancing and transforming the shape and size of the penis. The idea of a penile injection is quite esoteric, but here we attempt to demystify it and explain it a little further.

Increased Penile Girth

The second, the Tunica Vaginalis, surrounding the first layer, is a more fibrous inner layer wrapping the actual cavernosum of the penis. Tunica Vaginalis is the layer that holds the blood into the corpus cavernosum. This layer, from having had a lot of previous sexual activity, drug use, alcohol, or psychological reasons, grew to an abnormal state and will remain a certain size, even when the penis is not erect. However, if you’ve grown accustomed to the give while your penis is flaccid instead of the dilated state that should be there, it may be time to consider a p-shot.

The PIC, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, p-shots, or even the penile augmentation surgery are performed to specifically increase penile girth. When penile augmentation surgery is performed, it can permanently and directly add about 1 1/2 inches to the circumference of your penis. When using PRP, there are two main layers that make up the entire penis. The first, called the Tunica Albuginea, is the white coating of the tissue on an erect penis. This layer doesn’t grow much when flaccid, but when you become erect, this is the tough tissue that fills with blood to get the degree of firmness with which you were originally blessed with when puberty was in full swing.

Alcohol-Related Pelvic Floor Disorders

Alcohol-related pelvic floor disorder leads to impaired function and a lowered threshold for the urge to defecate, thus leading to worse fecal incontinence, proctalgia, and constipation. It is even more concerning that these subdivisions of pelvic floor disorder are closely connected with urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine and one of the most common urinary symptoms, interfering with the patient’s health-related quality of life and participation in daily activities. Among individuals with urinary incontinence, 40%-70% report bowel dysfunction, a higher occurrence than in the general population. In conclusion, alcohol-related pelvic floor disorders should be better understood because of the several adverse effects that may lead to lifelong requirements for conservative managements.

Alcohol-related pelvic floor disorders. The impact of alcohol on pelvic floor health is not limited to the urinary system. It can also lead to a range of pelvic floor disorders that affect the digestive and sexual systems. Alcohol has direct effects on the anorectum and gut, such as temporary worsening of anorectal sensation and motor function. As a result, there can be a decrease in the number and strength of both abdominal and pelvic muscles that help maintain continence for the anorectum and the bladder or support for the pelvic floor during physical activities.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

The injection consists of an easiness that can be performed basically anywhere, as long as the patient has his own privacy. PGE1 may be prescribed at different dosages: 5–20 mcg in self-injection, and in trimix (a mix of PGE1, Papaverine, and Phentolamine). The patient has to exercise to achieve the proper technique and mastery with the technique. Normal erections, good interviews, and applying stimuli are helpful enhancements.

Several studies have shown the benefit of PGE1 in the management of ED. The drug has the ability to improve the blood flow to the penis and cause an erection quite naturally. The erection is not as rigid as with the devices that produce the vacuum; however, there is more spontaneity in this method. The main side effects are pain upon injecting, prolonged painful erection (priapism), and scarring due to fibrosis. However, PGE1 is a good method, as over 70% of men with ED respond to it, and it does not have the negative association with sex that some patients report experiencing whenever they are required to use a device or equipment such as penis rings.

Enhanced Sexual Performance

In the author’s follow-up detailed examination of partnered relationships, their sexual activity, sexual satisfaction and psychological adaptive effect of their partners, 255 patients were questioned. The results showed improved sexual relationships in 94.9% of patients. A complete sexual satisfaction was reflected by 52.4% of the patients. The partners were completely satisfied with sexual predisposition in 70.2% of cases. The results did show excellent and superior results, and some may consider these results as a protected non-validated information. However, we believe the improved performance is a direct result of the increased penile dimension that our patients observed, and that our results are dependable.

Sexual performance was an additional benefit that can be significantly improved. The main factor for enhanced sexual function is the increased penile dimension. During the penile erection, the cavernosal bodies are inflated with blood, which results in the enlargement of the penis. In addition, a growth in size not only affects visual perception but also creates an awareness of the enhanced length and girth, thus probably increasing the sexual desire leading to a more natural sexual experience. Some patients may not report the need to use external aid to increase the hardness and duration of penile erection through PDE5 inhibitors and injectables. This absence of need further encourages the sexual aspect of the enhancement.

The Procedure

First of all, local anesthesia is applied using the EMLA anesthetic ointment in those cases where the patient needs it, and whose effect is almost immediate. Generally, patients report the feeling of a pinch and little more. Then the intracavernous administering of sodium alprostadil occurs, diluted 1 to 2.5 (250mcg/cc dilution) with papaverine of 30 mg/cc or chiricoris 2% in a 1 cc syringe, gradually injected from the pubis to the bottom of the penis non-continuously (to remove the excesses and avoid the appearance of fibrosis in the path) till the total irrigation of the penis is carried out through the main artery. A 10 minutes wait is observed before checking the erection to verify the proper irrigation of it. After the desired erection is achieved, the desired volume expansion is measured and recorded, marking the point from the tip of the glans. Finally, the penis is covered, bandaged, and cryoprotected with the use of cold magnesium sulfate.

Before starting with the procedure, it is important to note that only certain specialized physicians should be asked for this non-surgical male enhancement treatment. There are probably as many techniques as there are doctors interested in performing the procedure, and very few have the necessary experience in relation to this treatment. That’s why patients should only go to recognized doctors who have plenty of experience in this field. A good background means a reduced margin of error. However, if the method is performed by a doctor experienced enough in order not to make mistakes, the chances that any of the aforementioned complications occur are minimal.

Injection Process and Stimulated Growth Factors

Ideally, injection sites, depths, and visual reference are used for each case to empirically apply and optimize acquired theory. The injection is done with both hands after aspiration to get the best depth and angle. Follow-up phone messages within 2 days, 7-10 days, and 1 month are common to ensure complete recovery; monitor for, and reassure the patient regarding, the corpus injury that can be seen on color duplex ultrasound. Follow-up appointments are scheduled very soon if there is any question, difficulty, disliking of initial response, incompletion of initial instructions, or unease; especially, ensure prompt reassurance and treatment of pain or distress. Correct injection technique is not only required because growth factors have the capacity to regenerate tissue, but also because there are enhanced possibilities of damage to a wider or different range of tissues identified included nerves, blood vessels, and corporal tissue.

The basics of injection site and administration when injections of growth factors are done at the right depth, location, and with the best angle, then penile growth is maximized. Words which are peculiar to flaccid tissue, like ‘surface’, ‘location’, and ‘depression’, are not relevant to endothelial, nerve or smooth muscle reconstruction in erectile tissue. Inserting the needle to a biologically relevant depth and angle will be most effective. The extent of tissue injury and pain experienced are moderated through the use of local anesthetics. The resultant blood flow, volume, and equivalent physiologic effects are not present with flaccid tissue and are more beneficial for penile tissue. Creating as much injury as possible does not lead to a better outcome. We are interested in engineering a therapeutic course of events without an unnecessary prolonged recovery period.

Safety and Risks of Penile Injections

The risks and complications of penile injections for girth growth are the same as the other penile filling augmentation techniques. These can lead to fibrosis of the corpus cavernosum, vascular occlusion of the glans or the penis, necrosis and impotence, disfigurement of the penis, infection, and non-resolution of these problems. However, basic precautions can reduce these adverse events. This chapter’s main objective is to inform the possible local and systemic complications of penile injections for girth augmentation and to recommend a responsible application of these substances, meeting the ethical request for the safety of patients.

Injection therapies are widely used in penile reconstructive surgeries, with different materials available, such as hyaluronic acid, bone marrow, plasma rich in growth factors, and adipose tissue. The majority of patients who undergo these procedures are concerned about their penile length and girth. In 2015, Kelley and Goldstein published an ultrasonographic evaluation of the growth effects of 327 subjects who underwent penile injections with subcutaneous fat and revealed a 23% gain in girth, but no significant changes in length were noted.

Conclusion and Future Trends

Over the next decade, adult stem cell application for augmentative cell therapies will hopefully mature. Real-time ultrasound will be performed on the penis, and patients will receive therapy that is safe, quick, and efficacious. Real-time stem cell injections will be performed with a commercially produced cell processing unit. Such therapy will be quickly prepared and largely ensure a successful outcome. Such a method will likely have overwhelming patient interest.

In conclusion, while penile injections for augmentation have been around for some time, their safety and efficacy have only recently been examined in the medical literature. There is a high level of patient satisfaction associated with injections; however, the demands of multiple treatments per week may be off-putting for some patients. The cost-benefit ratio of initial treatment appears slightly poor; however, in the long term, those prepared for prolonged treatment are likely to be happy. Autologous therapies related to penile enlargement are a promising but largely anecdotal treatment that hopefully will be more rigorously studied over the next decade.




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