Male to Female Gender Reassignment Surgery
Male to Female Gender Reassignment Surgery (MtF GRS) is a set of surgical procedures designed to address ongoing body dysphoria in transgender women.
Causes and Contributors to Erectile Dysfunction
Blood coming in is converted into pressure in the two closed compartments, which makes the penis bones firmer (and somewhat larger).
Advancements in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis:
MRI/TRUS fusion biopsy, a strategy that is informative and highly useful in the verification of prostate cancer.
Focal Therapies in Kidney Tumors
Focal therapeutic methods, particularly RFT, have been approved in the clinic for a long time.
Focal Therapies in Prostate Cancer
The main objective of the paper is to provide an overview of the current experience and evidence available about FT.
How to Tell if It’s Kidney Stones or Something Else
If you are experiencing severe pain in your lower back or groin, you may be suffering from kidney stones and not realize it.
Comprehensive Review of Urinary Incontinence Treatment Methods
Therefore, UI is associated with many negative emotional, psychological, social, economic, and hygiene problems.
Understanding Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testis)
Cryptorchidism (undescended testis) is a common developmental malformation, occurring in 1 to 2% of full-term infants and 15% of preterm infants.
Understanding Hypospadias: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
The boy who is diagnosed with hypospadias can be operated on when he is over a year old, or he should learn to live with complaints such as urine skew and soiling.